
What to Expect With Neptune in Pisces For The Years 2011 - 2025

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작성자 Archer Dyason
댓글 0건 조회 7회 작성일 24-09-24 08:31


What to expect with Neptune in Pisces for the years 2011 - 2025

Neptune entered the last sign of the zodiac which is Pisces in the year 2011. To understand the essence behind this, one must know the importance of the meaning of the planet and the zodiac sign and how the chemistry between the two corresponds with each other, and the outcome of it. Neptune is one of the three planets that represent all of humanity, the other two planets is Pluto and Uranus. These three planets make up the consciousness and awareness of everyone and come into union as a whole. These three planets take the longest to orbit around the sun as they are one of the furthest planets away from the sun in our solar system. In this case, the planet Neptune takes about 165 years to make a full cycle around the sun and takes 14 years to orbit each sign. The planet Neptune symbolizes long term, spiritual aspiration and a gateway to emotional utopia. Neptune rules Pisces exoterically, but rules Cancer esoterically. Regardless of the difference between these two signs, Neptune is the lord of the water signs or the emotional signs of Pisces and Cancer. Both of these zodiac signs represent a feminine energy and are both spiritually inclined. In financial astrology, Neptune represents any substance or venture involved with fluid or liquid. Examples of this include water, chemical dye, oil, alcohol beverages, and fisheries. It is also conducive to establish long term partnerships or deals that are suitable that will reap benefit for the long haul. Pisces is very compatible to this as it goes along with maritime, shipping, and hospitality. The mutable or flexible aspect of Pisces makes it a bit easier for new and out of this world ideology. It is the zodiac sign that is the archetype of the mystic, and this sign represents compassion, higher power and self-reflection. Typically, Pisces is renowned for arts, belief or faith. Pisces represents water or the sea and manifests itself as the fish sign, and as you know fish need water to live on. Under the influence of this sign, Pisces, the adherent would need emotional and spiritual upliftment and encouragement from internal and external factors to succeed. Another interested fact, is that Neptune and Pisces in separate forms would intensify the urge of escapism, and that is accomplished through religion, entertainment, drugs, alcohol or anything that will allow us to escape this reality and in need for an alternative one by leaving the problem of illusion or getting more mesmerized into the enchantment itself. This yields to clarity or strong addiction.

The history of Neptune in Pisces transit occurred from 1192- 1206, 1356 - 1370, 1520 - 1534, 1684 - 1697, and 1847 - 1861.

'' Dream to the top, fantasize on power structure ''

1192- 1206

During the time frame of 1192 - 1206, when Neptune was in Pisces, The Knights Templar represented the Christian religion, and failed to conquer Jerusalem from the Muslim Saracens of the Byzantine Empire in their three year battle, which ended in 1192. Minamoto no Yoritomo established the first Shogunate in Japan. Aztecs migrate from the '' The Four Corners of The World ,'' or from the four states of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico and entered into Central Mexico to establish the Aztec Civilization in modern-day Mexico at the year 1193. The Yellow River took over the Huai River drainage system for 700 years. The Huai River is located between the two longest rivers in Asia which are the Yangzte River and the Yellow River. In 1206, the Mongol Empire was founded by Temujin or better known as Genghis Khan of the Mongol people.

'' Belief led the aspirant ''

1356 - 1370

In 1356, Bahri Sultan of Egypt took most of the limestone casing stones of the Great Pyramid in Giza and built mosques close to Cairo. In 1357, the temple of Wat Yai is constructed in Thailand. A volcano erupted in Iceland which initiated the district of Litlaherao to be dismantaled by flood in 1362. The Ottoman Empire was defeated by the Byzantine Empire in a naval battle near Greece in 1363. During the same year of 1363, the world witnessed one of the largest naval battles in recorded history when the Yuan Dynasty was ruling China. In 1368, สล็อต บิงโก Hongwu founded the Ming Dynstary after the collapse of the previous Yuan Dynsty. In the same year, the long term project of the costruction of the Great Wall of China was further worked upon again. More reforms came upon China, when Hongwu the founder of the Ming Dynasty, commanded that Confucious was to become school of thought and learning in the year 1369. The CharterHouse was built by Carthusian monks in London at 1370.

'' The New World arrived, captivated with religion. The oceans and seas explored for hopes of treassure''

1520 - 1534

The Spaniard explorers, who later would colonized most of Central and South America, won in a battle against the Aztecs in Otumba, Mexico in 1520. The Spaniards arrived in the Phillipines for the first time at the year 1521. This turning point was the beginning of colonization of the Philippine Islands by the same Spaniards for well over 300 years and ended in 1898. In 1522, one of the ships that survived the Spaniard Expedition, returns to Spain and became the first ship of the Europeans to circumnavigate the world. In the same year the knights of St.John who survived, were given priviledge by Suleiman the Magnificent, to escape to Malta and formed the Knights of Malta. The Spaniard Colonizer, Gil Gonzelez Davila founded large quanties of gold on the Pacific Beaches of Costa Rica, therefore, giving it, its name which means '' Rich Coast''. The New Testament was translated in German, by Martin Luther in 1523. Two years later, William Tyndale translated the New Testament in English. The Beretta Gun Company was established by gunsmith Mastro Bartolomeo Beretta. This company is still in business and is actually one of the oldest corporations in existence. During 1530, Rome was completely covered by flood water and the city of Reimerswaal in Netherlands was destroyed by flood. A major earthquake occurs near the Atlantic Ocean kills thousands of people in Lisbon, Portugal in the following year. Black magic and the occult were suppressed in Europe, as this was evident when a Witch Hunt happened in Schiltach, Germany during that same time. The Spaniards plundered the Inca Empire by capturing its Emperor and therefore took copious amounts of gold that was well over worth 100 million dollars.

'' It's all about long term establishments. More rights for the religious ''

1684 - 1697

In 1684, the British begun to build a trading station at Canton, China and served a growing demand in tea drinking in Europe. Oil lamps were used during the first organized street lighting at London in 1685. City charter was granted to New York City by the colonial governor and the Dominion of New England was established in 1686. The Declaration of Indulgence was issued by King James II of England, and granted tolerance by law for all religions in the same year. The members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France sailed to South Africa and helped set up the first vineyards of South Africa. In 1688, the Coffee House of London was opened by Edward Lloyd, this was only the beginning of what would be known as the Lloyd's of London of today. The Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed between China and Russia, in 1689; this was the beginning of a long term alliance that is still in effect. The first paper currency was first introduced into North America by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1690. Catholics were guaranteed civil rights in Ireland with the signing of the Treaty of Limerick. In 1692, three women of Salem, Massachusetts were charged with witchcraft. All of the Roman Catholic Church was recognized and their missions were legalized in China, by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. The previous capital of Jamaica, Port Royal was mostly destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami. The Bank of England was founded in 1694.

'' Gold, oil, and drugs. The wonders of the world come into the limelight''

1847 - 1861

Within the period of 1847 - 1861, the world witnessed more rights for women, longstanding news outlet and major institutions were birthed. It was 1847, when 149 Mormons settled in Salt Lake City, Utah to establish that city. The first Vegetarian Society was formed in England. The first modern oil well was drilled in Asia. Many household universities and fraternities in North America were founded; examples are the University of Ottawa and Phi Delta Thata. A new market for crude oil begun in 1849, The Great Flood of 1851 occurred in Midwest of America. The dream for fortune, the gold rush in Victoria, Australia and the first YMCA was founded in Montreal, Canada. The New York Times and Reuters Service were founded. The first secret society for women began in 1851. In 1853, Matthew Perry, an American Commodore sailed to Japan and forced Japan to open up its borders for foreign trade, this meant the collapse of the Shogun or Tycoons of Japan. The biggest sailing ship in the world was built in 1853. The brand Levi clothing was established and the world's first aquarium was opened in the year 1853 in London. The first oil wells were drilled in Europe in 1854. From West Africa to Britain, the palm oil industry flourished in the year 1855. David Livingstone was the first European to discover one of the real Seven Wonders of the World, which was Victoria Falls. The nomenclature of Bordeaux Wine Official Classification was set up. The first synthetic organic dye was discovered by English Chemist, which paved way for the Chemical Industry as a whole. In 1856, the Second Opium War between the West and China began. Hollywood was founded in 1857. Ontario, Canada was where the first oil well was drilled in North America. Construction began on the Suez Canal in 1859. The Colorado gold rush began in 1859. Henri Mouhot was the first European to discover the legendary Angkor Wat in 1861. Sirius B is discovered in 1862. The first US Naval hospital ships began service.

'' The law of attraction, your thoughts is things''

2011 - 2025

The pattern of the previous Neptune in Pisces transit is that three main things are the underlying theme and they are water, belief structure or imagination and long term establishments. By this the water aspect correlates with the ocean, oil, and floods. The belief structure or imagination is eminent in the religion, the aspiration to fulfill and the birth of Hollywood. The long term establishments are evident in the New World colonialism and companies or corporations that set up shop for a long time. In this current cycle we have already seen massive floods, oil price rise and long term consensus between factions or entities. The long term establishments are involved with the birth of cycles, partnerships or companies. This Neptune in Pisces transit is more of a turning point for all to dream big and believe in what you do and is also a period where we are in a midst of great change amongst us. It has a sublime mode to it, where the force of change and imagination is increasingly intensifying. Some are too caught up into their fantasies or faith rather it works out practically or not. This is the result that it can also increase confusion and shortcomings. Neptune in Pisces is a time of flowing with the energy and to not push against the natural flow. However, one must go within and tap into both emotional and mental to fully take charge of this energy of Neptune in Pisces. Always, remember that Neptune represents long-term. The Belief and dreams of the creator is enhanced, and the unrealistic one is deeply embedded with their belief and illusion, which allows two polarities of the same spectrum. The energy and feeling of escapism through what you value and have your attention on will increase as you already view the heightened increase in stimuli, rather it's entertainment, psychedelic plants, sex, tattoos and body scarification, and virtual world are all increasing within this way to seek an alternative reality through the dreams and imagination.

Merlin Moreno aka Merlinite


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